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The 2024 Gleaning Season is Here!

Volunteers in the field during a gleaning trip at the Franciscan Monastery in 2023.

Throughout the peak growing season, from May through October each year, our team works with five farms in the region to schedule special gleanings where volunteers help us pick fresh […]

Celebrating Earth Day 2024

DC Central Kitchen strives to be an environmentally responsible business committed to sustainability practices. As with everything we do, we’re always looking for ways we can do more, better. Earth […]

Partner Spotlight: Friends of Guest House

“Just show up.”   These three words have become a call to action and source of comfort for students in our Culinary Job Training program.   For Terri Morton, the words are […]


Thursday, March 28 at all DC Central Kitchen Cafe Locations Our social enterprise cafes serve more than just a good cup of coffee or a quick, fresh lunch on the […]