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VIDEO: The John Fenner Dish Room

  Our community is at a turning point. But we’re about to prove that this city has everything it needs to solve its biggest challenges. That starts with our people. […]

VIDEO: WUSA9 Healthy Corners Feature

WUSA9 visited on of our 53 Healthy Corners locations and spoke with CEO Mike Curtin about the significance of our barrier breaking social enterprise. See the segment below and check […]

Summer Volunteer Opportunities: Gleaning!

  Our popular summer volunteer program is back!   DC Central Kitchen gleanings support local farms and help prevent food waste! From June through October, volunteers will meet us at […]

A Hunger Free Summer

     In DC over 40,000 students on free and reduced lunch are at risk of experiencing hunger this summer.      Every year when schools let out for the […]

May Community Events

May is a busy month for our Community Development and Partnerships team! As the weather warms up we’ll be hosting and participating in events across DC, promoting our programs and […]

Our Biggest Project Yet

Construction is underway on DC Central Kitchen’s brand-new, 36,000 square foot headquarters! The Michael R. Klein Center for Jobs and Justice will allow us to dramatically expand programming and provide […]