Back to School with Our Healthy School Food Team

DC Central Kitchen is just as excited as the students for another delicious and nutritious year! Our Healthy School Food Team will be serving nourishing and delicious scratch-cooked meals using […]
Washington Nationals Youth Baseball Academy Hosts First Visiting Chef for a Lesson in Fresh Strawberry Shortcake and Perfect Imperfection

The second-floor classroom in the Nationals Youth Baseball Academy bustles with activity. Campers in the summer months of their year-round BASE Academy methodically dump flour, sugar, and baking powder into […]
DCCK’s Summer Meals Schedule

Every year when summer break begins, thousands of kids relying on school for all their meals suddenly have to look elsewhere for nutritious food. To keep kids fed over the […]
DCCK Program Spotlight: A Q&A with our Dietetic Interns

Making food kids enjoy can be tough. Ensuring that food is nutritious and fits a host of local and federal requirements can be even tougher. To weave these different pieces […]
Building Community Through Cooking Classes at the Washington Nationals Youth Baseball Academy

After a few hours of play and exercise in the summer sun, the Washington Nationals Youth Baseball Academy campers were ready to eat. As the middle schoolers filed into the […]
Ring in 2022 with a Lucky New Year’s Meal

Looking for a healthy, fun meal to ring in 2022? Try our Healthy School Food’s Jazzy Black-Eyed Peas and Braised Collard Greens! Stemming from a long-held southern tradition, millions of […]
It’s a Victory for the Jolly Green Giant at Cedar Tree Academy

Cedar Tree Academy students pose with Mr. Broccoli at the Real Food For Kids Chef Exchange tasting event on Thursday October 14, 2021. After a competitive round of voting, the […]