Class 126 Graduation: The Power of a Positive Example

Students from Class 126 watch a presentation about their time in the CJT program at graduation on Friday, December 8, 2021. On the first Friday in December, 12 impressive, tenacious […]
Photos: CJT Class 126 Cheers on the Washington Wizards

CJT Class 126 enters the Washington Wizards arena before a game on Monday, November 22, 2021. “We will cook for you! Hire us to cook for you!” That’s what the […]
Photos: Swapping Chef Jackets for Blazers at Suited for Change

Chef Mimi helps Ivy of CJT Class 126 adjust her suit and tie while at a Suited for Change fitting on Friday, November 12, 2021. The women of CJT Class […]