The Opening

A Note from our CEO:

Because of you, DC Central Kitchen has kept our doors open and stoves cooking for more than 12,400 consecutive days. After 34 years of service to our community, we are opening the doors of our long-awaited new headquarters and expanding our life-changing programs like never before. Openness is a value we instill in our culinary students as they embrace new skills and strategies, and it is a defining attribute of how we seek out challenges and possibilities in the fight against hunger and poverty.

This annual impact report highlights the ways you’ve helped us open doors and minds across our city this year while preparing for a new season of growth and innovation as we move into our new home.

I’m also pleased to share that after a lengthy hiatus forced by the pandemic and the limitations of our previous headquarters, our beloved volunteer program is now open. Please visit to secure your spot (and stylish hairnet) and come lend a hand in our glorious new kitchen very soon. As always, please contact me anytime with questions or ideas at

With gratitude,

Mike Curtin, Jr., CEO

We have opened the doors of the Michael R. Klein Center for Jobs and Justice, replacing our previous headquarters in a shelter basement. Over the next three years, we’ll double our meal production, create 50 new jobs, welcome 20,000 volunteers a year, and increase the number of people we train for culinary careers each year by 150%. Thank you for making this transformational expansion possible.

Featured Stories

Expanding Food Access 

Our People & Partners

New Faces
DCCK continued growing this year, employing 102 of our Culinary Job Training graduates across our organization. These alumni advance our mission as culinary instructors, procurement professionals, student recruiters, nutrition educators, and volunteer managers. We also welcomed Dr. Beverley Wheeler as our first-ever Chief Knowledge Officer. We are thrilled to have Dr. Wheeler leading our program evaluation, policy engagement, and open-source knowledge sharing efforts with peers and researchers across the country.


We continue to generate much of our operating revenue through our sustainable social enterprises. Essential support is also provided by foundations, individuals, corporations, and government grants. Financials presented here are a summary – you can access our full audited financials here.

While the stories above reflect our work to fight hunger differently in 2022 and beyond, the financials listed here encompass the fiscal year of 2022, running from July 2021-June 2022.

Thank You!

DC Central Kitchen is grateful for the thousands of financial supporters, partners, and volunteers who make our work possible every year through their generous gifts of time and resources. We are honored to recognize many of these contributions in our 2022 donor list. Donor lists for the current fiscal year of 2023 will appear in the corresponding annual report, which will be available in the spring of 2024.

We couldn’t do this without your support.