DC Central Kitchen is grateful for the thousands of financial supporters, partners, and volunteers who make our work possible every year through their generous gifts of time and resources. We are honored to recognize many of these contributions here. We give special thanks to donors who are highlighted using the following symbols:

Recurring Donors

Individuals making a monthly or quarterly investment in our work

 Legacy of Change Society

Individuals who have included us in their estate plans

Bringing the Kitchen Home Campaign

Ongoing supporters of our comprehensive campaign for a new home

Supporters listed below gave in fiscal year 2024 (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)

$100,000 and above

AARP Foundation
William S. Abell Foundation
José R. Andrés and Patricia Fernandez de la Cruz
Paul M. Angell Family Foundation
Arcana Foundation
Diane & Norman Bernstein Foundation
Naomi & Nehemiah Cohen Foundation
Lisa and Sean Creamer
DC Health
DC Department of Human Services SNAP E&T
DC Department of Parks and Recreation

Lois and Richard England Family Foundation 
John Edward Fowler Memorial Foundation
The Health Equity Fund at the Greater Washington     Community Foundation
Hilton Global Foundation
Kini Fund
The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation  
The Morningstar Foundation
NBA Foundation
Craig Newmark Philanthropic Fund
Bruce and Lori Laitman Rosenblum

MacKenzie Scott
Meyer and Deanne Sharlin Foundation
Vincent A. and Helen M. Sheehy Foundation
Claudia and Peter Sherman
Carol and Douglas Steenland
Grace and F. Chapman Taylor
United Planning Organization
United Way of the National Capital Area
US Department of Agriculture
US Department of Labor
Tom and Sharon Winter

$50,000 - $99,999

Albertsons Companies Foundation
American University
Amerigroup DC
Bank of America
The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation
Capital One
Charina Endowment Fund

Philip L. Graham Fund
The Hirsch Family Foundation
Lynne N. Horning
Hunger to Health Collaboratory
Sheldon and Audrey Katz Foundation
Major League Soccer
The Richard E. and Nancy P. Marriott Foundation
Melanie F. Nussdorf

Edward and Kathleen Quinn Family Foundation
James C. and Norma I. Smith Foundation
David L. Sobel and Elizabeth L. Critchley
Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation
The Bernard and Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust
The Washington Home
Wegmans Food Markets
Wells Fargo Foundation
The Duane Wilder Foundation

$10,000 - $49,999

Acme Paper
Sandy and Miriam Ain
Ed and Stephanie Albert
Alice Shaver Foundation
Jack R. Anderson Foundation
Paul and Mary Asel
The James L. and Gillian W. Athey Fund
AUI Fine Foods
The Binitie Family Foundation
Bloomberg L.P.
Bookey Family Foundation
Brown Brothers Harriman Trust Co.
Michael Brownrigg and Marty Burchell
Brian and Teresa Byrne
Ian Cameron and Susan Rice
Carhart Charitable Gift Fund
Cecchi Family Foundation
Mary Challinor and Henry Richardson
Gail Chambers
Clark Construction Group
Clif Family Foundation
Don and Roz Cohen
The Coldiron Family Foundation
CoStar Group
Cuisine Solutions
Michael F. and Kathleen G. Curtin  
Cora and John H. Davis Foundation
John and Linda Derrick
Jennifer and Thomas Eddy  
Elevation Church

Ned Ertel and Jennifer Squires
Sergio Fernandes
Desmond Foynes
Georgetown University
Brian and Caitlin Gilmore
Larry and Beth Greenberg
The Hanley Foundation
Mary Ellen Hibey
Highlands Associates
Inter-American Development Bank
Ivorybill Foundation
Andy Jeffrey and Andrea Luskin
Kay Family Foundation
The Keehn Family Foundation
Roger and Teresa Keller
The Kimel Foundation
Stuart and Sally Lesser
Lineage Foundation for Good
Molly and Bill Lynch
Vicky Marchand
Marriott International
The Ritchie Marsh Fund
Mass Commodities
Lynn and Rich Matheny
McGuinn Family Foundation
Joseph Meltzer
Monumental Sports & Entertainment Foundation
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP
Jonathan Mormino
The Nielsen-Massey Foundation
The Norton Foundation

The W. O’Neil Foundation
Park Foundation
Aaron and Elise Pas
Thaddeus and Jane Paul
James Pembroke
Karen Peterson and Jim McDermott
Charles and Shari Pfleeger
Andrew Pincus and Laura Wertheimer
PNC Foundation
Patricia Pride and Lawrence Williams
Prince Charitable Trusts
Mark and Kristine Schnarr
Singer Equipment Company
Solar Quest Foundation
Starbucks Foundation
Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox PLLC
Strada Education Foundation
Ian S. Taylor
TD Bank
Tiber Creek Group
Venable Foundation
Victoria Vercelli
WalMart Foundation
Washington Nationals Philanthropies
Whitman-Yates Family Fund
The Ada and Albert Wibel Foundation
Wonderland Ballroom
Dorothy and Kenneth Woodcock
World Bank Community Connections Campaign
Eric and Kathryn Zimmerman

$1,000 - $9,999

9:30 Club
Bernard W. Abrams Family Foundation
Dr. Gina Adam
Advanced Surgery Center
Agua Fund
Jocelyne Albert
Peter Albert and Charlotte Mahoney
Peter and Alison Alexander
All Souls
Michael Allen
The Allstate Foundation
Karena and Kai Anderson
Lori Anderson
Richard and Susan Anderson
The Andrew Agency
The Aotearoa Food Rescue Alliance
Ari Appel and Sara Schoen
Jarrett and Nora Arp
Samantha Smith Atkinson
Linda Auwers and James Jones
Babe Farms
Trina and Gary Bachman
Chris Backemeyer
Nancy and Joe Baillie
Jim and Diane Bankoff
Agatha Barclay
The Henry C. & Karin J. Barkhorn Foundation
Bates White Economic Consulting
Ellen and Ray Battistelli
Diana Bauer
Baxt Family Foundation
The Bay and Paul Foundations
Kristin Bear
Thomas and Barbara Beck
James and Linda Beers
Lee and Nathaniel Beers
Robert Begin
Cyrus Behroozi and Tom Natan
Randall Beisecker
Warren and Amy Belasco
Christopher and Mary Kay Bell
Ron and Patricia Bell
Joseph Benkert
Cynthia Benton-Groner
Tamra and Ken Bentsen
Carri and Doug Berenson
Alan Berube and Cristina Boccuti
Bethel United Methodist Church
Arpan Bhakta
Bruce Bishop
Blue Crab Strategies
George Bohlinger
Barbara Bonessa and Alan Perkins
Mark and Diana Bookbinder
Marian Botchway
Karen Lee Bowen
John and Tonya Bowers
Luis Bowser
Amy Brandwein
Hannah Breul
David Brewster and Linda Ayres
Bright Funds Foundation
David and Anne Brill
Heidi and Charles Brock
Marilyn and David Brockway
The Norman and Florence Brody Family
Lee and Sally Brown
Stacy Brustin and Jeffrey Gutman
The Buchanan Family Foundation
Bill Burgess
Catherine and Philip Bye
David Cade
CAHEC Foundation
James Campbell and Nancy Hooff
Cory and Rachel Capps
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield
Mackie Carpentier
Ian Carroll and Amy McNally
Marlis Carson
Patricia Casano
Daragh Cassidy
Greg and Jane Castanias
Catawamteak Fund of Maine
Trina Caudle
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Caroline Chambers
Joanne Chan
Daniel Charles and Brigid McCarthy
Tejpal Chawla
Tina Cherian
Shilpa Chetty
Richard Chew
Edward Chung
Mary Clark and Craig Schaffer
Paul Clark and Debbie Myers
Clean Choice Energy
Kathleen Clements
Susan Clyde
Edward Cohen and Charlene Barshefsky
Mark and Jane Cohen
William Cohen
Diana Cohn and Lee Mendelowitz
Judy and Stewart Colton
Otto Condon
Steve Connaughton
Mary M. Conway and Dennis Houlihan
Ann Thompson Cook and David Cook
Casey Cooper and Amy Jeffress
Stefan Cottle and Meroë Park
Council Family Charity Fund
Covington Family Gift Fund
Amy and Cody Cowan
Nancy C. Crisman
Leslie D. Cronin
Christopher Cullen
Michael F. Curtin Jr. and Maureen McDonnell
Michael Cutler and Dale Rosenfeld
Ronald and Jessica Dabrowski
Amanda Dafonte and Melissa Malguy
The Dagle-Stuebner Fund
Scott Dahlem
The Damela Gift Fund
Subodh Davessar
Mark and Katherine Dedrick
Christopher DeLacy
Charles Delmar Foundation
Grace and Chip Denman
Joseph Denning
Tanuj and Amy Deora
David DeRamus and Rosemary Regis
Val DiFebo
Diligent Corporation
Dimick Foundation
Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation
Diana and Keith Donahoe
Patrick Donahue
Donohoe Hospitality Services
Melanie Dorsey
Dos Toros
D’Ottavio Farms
Graham Dower
Danielle M. Drissel and David E. Webster
Jennifer Druliner
Holly Dubbeling
Lisa Dubois and Phil Headley
Durant Family Charitable Foundation
Michael and Dolores Dweck
Mary Dwight
Eagle Bank
Margaret Ehr
Sarah Eian
Eight Eleven Group
David Eigner
Samuel Elkin
Ezekiel Emanuel and Teasel Muir-Harmony
Douglas Emhoff
Richard and Diana England
Jessica Ennis
Steven Epstein
Matthew Estes
The Evergreen Foundation
Eric Fanning
Farzaneh and Ali Farahi
Federal Schedules
Marc and Anne Feinberg
David Feinstein and Susan Pitman
Douglas Feith and Pamela Auerbach
James K. Ferguson Foundation
Nathan Ferrance
Claudine and Jack Ferrante
Steven Field
Dan Fine and Sarah Snyder
Nadia Firozvi
First Citizens Bank
Robert Fischbeck
Adam and Lauren Fischman
Whit Fletcher
Allison Foley
Nancy Ebb and Gary Ford
Fortress Investment Group
The Betty and Wes Foster Family Foundation
The Foster/Bersin Family Fund of the Jewish
   Community Foundation
The Four Lanes Trust
Jon Fraser and Julia Walther
Rob Fresco
Fresh Origins
Freud-Willis Family Fund
Debra Fried Levin
Crystal Frierson
Peter Frost
Frozen Food Foundation
Nancy Fru
Michael and Elizabeth Galvin
Arti Garg

Geoffrey Garin and Debbie Berkowitz
David Garlock
Sandra Gaston
Benno Gerson
Jim Gette and Tony Testo
John Gillespie and Anne Rubin
Edith Gilmore
Joe Gitchell
Michael Gitner
Bruce and Suzanne Glassman
Lewis and Alice Gold
Seth Goldman and Julie Farkas
William and Linda Goldman
Corey Goldstein
Michael Goldstein and Jennifer Rapoport
Dan Goodman
Amy Gorton
Graffam Give Back Fund
Tamar and Marshal Granor
Janae and Bobby Gravitz
Rebecca Gray
Lisa and Tom Greaves
Turkessa and Corey Green
Randy and Don Greenberg
Laura and Kevin Greene
GRF CPAs & Advisors
David Grober-Morrow
Patricia Gromak
Stephanie and Shawn Grosser
Edward Grossman and Rochelle Stanfield
Tom F. and Elysia M. Gudas
Robert Guidos
Daniel Guilbeault and Chris Zimmerman
Nancy Gunning
Noel Gunther
Sara Guthrie
Sarah Guy
Guzzetta Manville Giving Fund
Peter Haas and Gail Ross
The Haile-Manas Family Fund
David Hall
Ellie and Tom Hamburger
The Hamilton
Judith Hanlon and Wayne Proudfoot
Margaret Hartnett
Craig and Janet Hayman
Hilary Heincer
Karl Heinzman
Constance Heller
Alexandra Hemmings
Heritage Presbyterian Church
Anno and Hitomi Hermanns
Brendan and Karen Herron
The Herson-Stirman Family Foundation
Lydia Herz and Daniel Felger
Christopher Hickey
David Hill
Hindu American Community Services, Inc. (HACSI)
John and Ann Hisle
Paul Hogan
Richard and Sarah Hollington
Carlos Horcasitas
Sari Hornstein
Glen and Lauren Howard
Michael Huang and Annette Germana
Rosemary and Jim Hubbard
Kimberly and Rob Humphries
Brenda Huneycutt and Smith Brittingham
Michael Hunseder
Bill and Anne Hyman
Hyman, Phelps & McNamara, P.C.
International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA)
Bill and Corinne Irwin
William Isaacson and Sophia McCrocklin
Isabel Jasinowski
Jerry Jasinowski
Anirudh Jayanti
Ian and Sara Jefferies
Artemis Jensen
Joel Family Charitable Fund
Eric Johnson
Susan Johnson
Diena and Wes Johnston
Anne Noel Jones
Cynthia Jones
Priya Sarathy Jones and Kevjorik
Richard Jones
Joan Joyce
Cindy Kacher
Wendy Kahn and Martin Burns
Geoff and Terry Kass
Glenn and Kathleen Katz
Irene and Lou Katz
Sidney Katz
Lawrence Katzman Charitable Foundation
Keany Produce Company
Robert and Judith Kellogg
Deborah Kelly
Patricia and Steven Kelmar
Jana Kemp
Mark and Anne Kennedy
John and Katherine Ketchum
Charles F. Keyes and Marilyn Rauber
Justin Keyes
Leslie Kiefer
Sheldon Kimmel
Kirchner Impact Foundation
Michael Klein and Joan Fabry
Dylan Klempner
Deborah Klosko
Dana and Ray Koch
Martha and Paul Kolodzy
Daniel Korn and Edith Westfall
Evan Korshavn and Laura Epstein
John Kostyack
Jimmy and Christa Kovacs
Laura and Jonathan Kravis
Kathleen Kruse
Vijayendra Kumar
The Kundra Damani Charitable Fund
Andrew Lacy
Land O’Lakes Foundation
James Lande and Joyce Mason
Larry and Martha Langrehr
Karen Larson
David Latham and Julie Welch
Christopher J. Le Mon and Rachel S. Taylor
Katie Leary and Jim Sebastian
Timothy Lee and Amanda Rohn
Joanne Leedom-Ackerman
Kathleen and Kenneth Lemelin
Margaret Lenzner
Charles and Margaret Levin Family Foundation
Lewandowski Giving Fund
Christine Librizzi
Richard Lieberman and Helene Weisz
Michael and Wendy Lincoln
Richard Lindstrom
Rachel Lo
Emily Long
Longwell Partners
Celia Lose
Lotta Fund for Aiding Discharged Convicts
Michael Lowe and Melissa Kroning
Joanna Lowell
Lumina Foundation
Sarah Lynch
George MacArthur
Thomas Magee
Steven and Janet Magel
Abu Malik
Bill Maloni
Forbes and Sara Maner
Marc Riendeau Produce
Helaine Mario
The Mary and David Charitable Fund
Jane Masri
MAV Foundation
Linda Mazawey
James McCarthy
The McConagha Family Foundation
David B. McCormick
John McCullen
Betsy McDaniel
McDermott Will & Emery
Jon and Sherrie McKenna
Arnold Mckinnon
Philip and Barbara Mead
The Meadow Fund
Melinda Medlin
Thomas and Marren Meehan
Melrod Family Foundation
Jennifer Meltzer
Anne Melvin and Daniel Sullivan
Micheline Mendelsohn
Jeffrey Menick
Mark Michael and Margarita Prieto
Bob and Cathy Miller
Catherine Miller and Clifford Shedd
Nancy Miller
Steven Miller and Louise Ann Craner
Rebecca and Steve Milliken
Aimen Mir
Mirnahill Foundation
David and Nicole Mitchell
Ian and Steve Moore
Jake Moore
Becka and Kevin Morris
Patrick Morrison
Ann Morse
James Mortimer
Janice Moskowitz
Thomas and Jo Ann Mueller
Oliver Muller and Molly Young
James Murphy and Shannon Morse
Ellen Myer

Namaha Foundation
Mick Nardelli and Jackie Ludden
National Milk Producers Federation
Nature Nurture Fund
Michelle Nawar
Mark and Jo Ann Newell
Mick Newkumet
Daniel and Megan Newman
Huy Nguyen
Andrew and Melissa Nodes
Liz Noe
Katherine Nopratvarakorn
John Oliver
Omidyar Network Fund
Yvonne Orji
Norman Ornstein and Judy Harris
Marian Osterweis
Otto-Whalley Family Foundation
Kareem Oweiss
Brad Pape
Linda and Peter Parshall
Apurva Patel
Geoff Patterson and Elizabeth Farry
Beth Payne
PECO Foundation
Michelle Peel and Barbara McLaughlin
Pepco Holdings
Laurie and Jed Perry
William Perry
Thomas Petty
Pew Charitable Trusts
Thomas Philip
Frances Pitlick
Ted and Robin Plonsker
Posner-Wallace Foundation
Samantha Powell
Ane Powers
Elissa Preheim
Caroline Preston
Allen Pritchard
Joseph Prokop
Bill Pugh and Lisa Orange
Jonathan Puth and Maroudia Courpas
Elizabeth Quill Seth Zuckerman
David Quinalty
Mary K. Quirk
Michelle Rago
Patrick and Rosi Raher
David Raim
Franklin Raines and Denise Grant
Prashanth Rajashekhar
Rattlesnake Rock Fund
Audrey Reeves
Barbara and Jeff Rehm
Jack Reidhill
Richards, Layton & Finger
Amy and Michael Riella
Jim Ritter
Thomas Ritter
RMN Family Foundation
Sam Roberson and Edward Buckley
Matthew and Edith Roberts
Carol Robinson
Carol Rodrigues
Donna Rosen
William Ross and Giselle Hicks
Mary Rowen
Michael Royer
Tim and Betsey Royston
Richard and Christine Rudisill
Matthew Ruland
Steven Salop and Judith Gelman
The Twila Sampson Foundation
Evelyn Sandground and Bill Perkins
Michael Sandler
Parsa Sanjana and Joseph Schatz
Simon Sargent
Scannell Properties
Janet K. Scapin
Paul Schipper and Denise Bruner
Jean Schiro-Zavela and Vance Zavela
Bob and Josefa Scholz
Edwin and Sondra Schonfeld
Laura Schonfeld
Suzanne Schuerman
Eric Schultz
Ellen Scully
Michael Seidman and Judith Mazo
Susan Stuart Seiler
Mike and Renita A. Seldowitz
The Abe and Kathryn Selsky Foundation
Alex Shapero and Orly Halpern
Richard and Phyllis Sharlin
Philip Sharp
Clinton and Laurie Shatzer
Cynthia Shaughnessy
Conor Shaw and Rachel Clark
Margaret Sheer
Jyothi Shenoy
Andrea Short
Mara Shreck
Gregory Sibley
Gail Siddle
Mary Ellen Signorille
Petra Silton and Michael Listgarten
Steven and Stephanie Silverman
David and Louise Simone
Steven and Meryl Sitver
Albert and Lillian Small Foundation
Smart City Networks
David and Sarah Smith
Neal and Kendrick Smith
John and Kim Snedden
Kassi and Sean Snyder
Sharon Soffer
Girardeau Spann
Mark and Lynn Spates
Jaimi St. John
The Howard and Leslie Stein Family Foundation
Ronald Stern and Elisse Walter
Mary Ann Sternberg
Joe Sternlieb and Linda Singer
Anne Stom
Julie and Steven Stone
John Stoody
Geoffrey and Laura Stricker
Thomas Strikwerda and Donna Stienstra
Studdiford Technical Solutions
Joseph Stuever
Jack and Laura Summer
Sunkist Growers
Stephen and Suzanne Swendiman
Jennifer Swize
Saeed Talari
Kevin Tansey
Anne W. Taylor and Joe H. James
Stacy Teng and Matthew Knight
Erica and Kristin Teti-Zilinskas
Velan Thillairajah
The Colin and Francisca Thomas Helmer Charitable
Tori Thomas
Anne and Jack Thompson
Patricia Tobin
Pamela Townsend
John Treanor
Rosa Trevino
Marc and Lena Trudeau
Stefan and Marilyn Tucker
Randy Tyree
United Bank
Susan Urahn
Eric Uslaner
Daniel Van Camp
Cathy Van Way
Alison Vandenburgh
Kirk Victor
K.N. Vinod
Dianna and Paul Vitrano
Sarah Wade and Richard Rosenzweig
Thomas Waldinger
Christopher and Lorraine Wallace
Philip Wallach
Craig Walton
Washington Gas
Carla Weaver
Steven and Caryn Wechsler
Susan Wedlan and Harold Rosen
Edward and Margaret Weidlein
Randi Weingarten
Dorothy and Jay Weinstein
William Weinstein
Nathan Weisshaar
Well Dunn Catering
Gregory Werner
Pam Wessling
Janice White
Terry Whitehouse and Richard Ansbacher
James and Karen Whitman
Bruce and Rochelle Wiener
Sharon Wiener
The Reba A. Will Foundation
McGennis Williams and Warren Oliveri
Marjorie Windelberg
Winky Foundation
Linda and Tor Winston
Greg Womack
Robert and Elaine Woodward
Wraase Family Foundation
Bill Wrench
Karl Wunderlich
Andrew Yang
Elizabeth Yeapanis
Eleanor Zartman
Leo and Judy Zickler
Demi Zitelman

Donors who gave over $25,000 in fiscal year 2025 (July 1, 2024 - February 28, 2025)

AARP Foundation
The William S. Abell Foundation
American University
Amerigroup DC
The Brendan & Helen Bechtel Foundation
Diane & Norman Bernstein Foundation
Bipartisan Inaugural Agriculture Ball
Birchstone Moore
Bloomberg L.P.
The Carter and Melissa Cafritz Charitable Trust
The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation
Capital One
CAREN Seniors Center
Charina Endowment Fund
Chef Works Cares
Naomi & Nehemiah Cohen Foundation
DC Health
DC Department of Human Services SNAP E&T
DC Department of Parks and Recreation
Sunny and Rick Edelstein Tuttle
The Health Equity Fund at the Greater
   Washington Community Foundation
Mary Ellen Hibey

Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Hilton Global Foundation
The Hirsch Family Foundation
Lynne N. Horning
Hunger to Health Collaboratory
Sheldon and Audrey Katz Foundation
Kay Family Foundation
The Keehn Family Foundation
The Kimel Foundation
Kini Fund
Joe Kleine
Lineage Foundation for Good
Lee Lockwood
The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation
The Richard E. and Nancy P. Marriott Foundation
Joseph Meltzer
The Morningstar Foundation
The Morrison & Foerster Foundation
NBA Foundation
Nolan Family Charitable Foundation
The Norton Foundation
Gregory Norton

Melanie F. Nussdorf
Prince Charitable Trusts
Edward and Kathleen Quinn Family Foundation
MacKenzie Scott
Share Fund
Meyer and Deanne Sharlin Foundation
Vincent A. and Helen M. Sheehy Foundation
Claudia and Peter Sherman
James C. and Norma I. Smith Foundation
Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation
Starbucks Foundation
Carol and Douglas Steenland
UNFI Foundation
United Planning Organization
United Way of the National Capital Area
US Department of Agriculture
US Department of Labor
Venable Foundation
The Washington Home
Wegmans Food Markets
Whitman-Yates Family Fund
World Bank Community Connections Campaign

Thank you to our donors who wish to remain anonymous for your generous support.

Major In-Kind Donors

ABW Appliances
Aramark – Capital One Arena
Arlington Friends of Urban Agriculture’s Plot
   Against Hunger
Bethesda Bagels
Bonchon-Navy Yard
Capital Area Food Bank
The Capital Grille
The Conservation Fund
Cuisine Solutions

Edlavitch DC Jewish Community Center
FRESHFARM Dupont Circle Market
Genuine Foods
Godet Woodworking
Institute of Marine Environmental Technology
The JK Community Farm
Just Ice Tea
Keany Produce
Kilmers Orchard
La Pasta
Laoban Dumplings
Little Sesame

Metrotalk, Inc.
Miller Farms
Mountain Valley Spring Water
National Park Service (Rock Creek Park)
Premium Distributors
Prestige Ledroit
Senoda, Inc.
Singer Equipment
USDA Farmers Market
Vox Media
We, The Pizza
Wegmans Food Markets

Special Thanks

Acme Paper
American University Department of Health Studies
The Anthem and I.M.P.
Sara Bradley
Building Bridges Across the River
Canopy by Hilton Washington DC The Wharf
Brendan Canty
Marcia Chatelain
Clyde’s Restaurant Group
CPR MultiMedia Solutions
DC Defenders
DC Food Policy Council
DC Food Project
DC Public Library
DC United
Rocco DiSpirito
The Donohoe Companies
Dreaming Out Loud
Robert Egger
Food Justice DMV

Food Rescue US
The George Washington University Global Food
Global Government & Industry Partners
Paige Grzelak
Carla Hall
James Creek Marina
José Andrés Group
Ris Lacoste
Alexandra Lewin-Zwerdling
Tommy McFly
The Meditation Center @ THEARC
Micheline Mendelsohn
Spike Mendelsohn
Monumental Sports & Entertainment
Mick Nardelli
Kwame Onwuachi
Party Rentals, Ltd
Pendry Washington, DC
Katarina Petonito
The Point DC

Sarah Ravitz
Relish Catering
Restaurant Association Metropolitan Washington
Run Riot Films
Salamander Resort
SkyPoint FCU
Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band
Suited for Change
SZH Consulting
Yuan Tang
Jovana Urriola
Venable LLP
Washington Nationals
The Webster Group
Mieka Wick
A Wider Circle
ZGF Architects
Ryan and Heather Zimmerman
Andrew Zimmern

In Loving Memory

Salvatore Costabile
Shunta Faison
Anthonisha Felton

Cora Harris
Barbara “Bunny” Polmer
Craig Roberts

Donna Rosen
Misty Tyree
Budd Whitebook

Board of Directors

Leticia Proctor, Chair
Donohoe Hospitality Services

Eric Zimmerman, Treasurer
McDermott Will & Emery

Maggie Biscarr, Secretary
Independent Consultant, Food as Medicine

Christopher Bradshaw
Dreaming Out Loud

Dupree Braswell
Marriott Downtown Bethesda @ HQ

Sarah Frimpong
Wellfound Foods

Mike Hall, DCCK Alumnus
PLNT Burger Restaurant Group

Someko Hanson, DCCK Alumna
Fellowship Over Food, LLC

Megan Hendricksen

Mike Hollman

Priya Sarathy Jones
Fines & Fees Justice Center

Michael Klein
CoStar Group, Inc

Samantha Kuhn
JK Community Farm

Elise Pas
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Shawn Townsend
Restaurant Association Metropolitan Washington

Rob Wilder, Chair Emeritus
José Andrés Group

José Andrés, Chair Emeritus
José Andrés Group