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Reasons for Hope

DC Central Kitchen’s Community Development and Partnerships team engages with Ward 6 neighbors at Garden Fest on Thursday, October 7, 2021.

These days we could all use a little more hope as unemployment and hunger remain daily facts of life for too many of our neighbors.

Despite these challenges, DC Central Kitchen continues to bring healthy food, good jobs, and reasons for hope – thanks to your support. And now, all gifts to DC Central Kitchen are being doubled!

But what does that hope look like?

It looks like our 125th Culinary Job Training Class celebrating their graduation, excited for their futures and continued growth. Since March 2020, we have placed 108 culinary graduates into jobs in the hospitality industry with more to come with the opening of our second social enterprise café later this year. And in 2022, this hope will spread as we move into our new facility where we can increase enrollment levels by 150%.

It looks like children enjoying nutritious and fresh snacks at one of our local Healthy Corners store partners. During the pandemic, we have helped equip 56 local convenience stores and markets with healthy snacks and fresh produce so all our neighbors can access nourishing foods.

And it looks like partnerships with groups like Dreaming Out Loud, collaborating with their farm and food hub and increasing our collective impact. Since March 2020, we have invested $3.6 million in local farmers, partner nonprofits, and small businesses. When you donate to DC Central Kitchen (or Dreaming Out Loud) you’re not just contributing to our individual missions – you’re investing in a wider movement addressing the root causes of hunger and poverty.

Thank you for helping to get us to this point and we hope you’ll join us as we continue to deliver hope and change to our community.

Please make a donation to DC Central Kitchen today and your contribution will instantly be matched, up to $100,000, thanks to a generous local donor.