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How to support the DC restaurant community

Our restaurant partnerships are integral to our work at DC Central Kitchen. Over the years, we have always been able to count on local chefs and restaurants to run cooking demos at our kitchen, provide internships and job opportunities for our students, and to support with fundraising events across the city.

There’s no doubt the industry has been especially hard-hit by the COVID-19 outbreak, so we wanted to provide some tangible ideas for you to support the restaurant community:

  • Order takeout. Take a look at this list from the Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington (RAMW) on which restaurants are providing take-out and delivery services.
  • Purchase gift cards & swag items from your favorite local restaurant. You can use this list of some of our restaurant partners as a guide.
  • Support retailers that carry items from local producers, including Glen’s Garden Market, Union Kitchen, Good Food Markets.
  • Contribute to the Worker’s Relief Fund. Our partners Hook Hall and RAMW have teamed up to provide industry workers with meal kits, groceries, financial resources and other supportive services necessary during this time.
  • Advocate for the industry. Call your members of Congress and remind them that our restaurant and hospitality industry is too important to ignore and needs the support of our government to survive. Some helpful resources from our partners at National Restaurant Association and the Independent Restaurant Coalition (IRC) are linked here to get more involved.


Learn more about DC Central Kitchen’s response to COVID-19.