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Sips & Suppers tickets now on sale – party with purpose!

As holiday shopping kicks off, Washington-DC based philanthropic partners DC Central Kitchen and Martha’s Table are thrilled to announce that tickets for the 9th Annual Sips & Suppers fundraising event are now on sale!

On Saturday, January 28th, hundreds of foodies and philanthropists will gather at the Newseum for Sips to sample some of the finest local food and cocktails from the area’s leading chefs and mixologists. VIP ticket holders will have the opportunity to meet culinary greats José Andrés, Joan Nathan, and Alice Waters, the event’s founders, and mingle with other award-winning chefs. On Sunday, January 29th, guests will dine in the homes of more than 35 generous hosts throughout the DC area, feasting on gourmet Suppers prepared by the nation’s most acclaimed chefs.

Sips & Suppers has quickly become the District’s most anticipated culinary weekend, bringing together the country’s top chefs, restaurants, and philanthropists to help combat hunger and poverty in the nation’s capital.

Tickets to Sips & Suppers are a wonderful way to give back to the community this holiday season, and also make the perfect gift for family, friends, and foodies. Purchase your tickets now, before the ticket price for Sips increases on January 12th!


When: Saturday, January 28, 2017
VIP Admission: 6:30pm • General Admission: 7:30pm
Where: NEWSEUM (555 Pennsylvania NW, Washington, DC)
Tickets: $125 per person, general admission before January 11th
$150 per person, general admission on or after January 12th
$250 per person, VIP admission

For tickets, please visit: https://www.classy.org/events/-/e105582

Tax deductions for Sips tickets are as follows: $100 of each Sips ticket and $165 of each Sips VIP ticket is tax deductible. Sips tickets purchased on or after January 12th are $125 tax deductible.


When: Sunday, January 29, 2017 at 6:00 pm
Where: Homes throughout the DC metro area
Tickets: $600 per person
Special combined ticket price for Sips & Suppers: $675 per person
Special combined VIP ticket for Sips & Suppers: $800 per person

For tickets, please visit: https://www.classy.org/events/-/e105582

Tax deductions for Sips tickets are as follows: $500 of each Suppers ticket, $550 of the combined Sips & Suppers ticket, and $675 of the combined Sips VIP & Suppers ticket is tax deductible.

To learn more about Sips & Suppers weekend, including participating chefs, ticket sales, sponsorship and volunteer opportunities, please visit www.SipsandSuppers.org. For the latest, follow the event page on Twitter (@SipsSuppers), Instagram (@sipsandsuppers), and Facebook (Sips & Suppers).

About Sips & Suppers
José Andrés, Joan Nathan and Alice Waters proudly present Sips & Suppers: two extraordinary evenings featuring the country’s finest chefs in support of DC Central Kitchen and Martha’s Table. The event began in 2009 to raise awareness of hunger and poverty in the DC area. Now in its 9th year, the fundraiser rounds up the country’s culinary greats to promote efforts to develop sustainable and local solutions to these challenges. This year’s Sips & Suppers is made possible by the generous support of our sponsors, including: Whole Foods, Newseum, The Ritz Carlton, Beveridge Seay, ThinkFoodGroup, Chez Panisse, Amalgamated Bank, JP Morgan Chase, The George Washington University Hospital, and Lifeway Foods. For more information, please visit www.SipsandSuppers.org.

About DC Central Kitchen
DC Central Kitchen is a nonprofit developer of innovative social ventures that break the cycle of hunger and poverty. Founded in 1989 in protest of traditional charity models, the organization uses career training, job creation, and sustainable business practices to strengthen local food systems and reduce disparities in health and economic opportunity. The Kitchen’s life-changing social ventures include providing culinary job training to at-risk adults, turning wasted food into balanced meals for shelters and nonprofits, and serving healthy, scratch-cooked meals in low-income schools. These efforts have been recognized with the leading national award for healthy school food innovation, The Golden Carrot; the Washington Business Journal’s Green Business Award for Innovation; and the DC Chamber of Commerce’s Community Impact Award. To learn more, visit www.DCCentralKitchen.org or follow @dcck on Twitter.

About Martha’s Table
For 36 years, Martha’s Table has worked to support stronger children, stronger families, and stronger communities by increasing access to quality education, healthy food, and family support in Washington, DC. Martha’s Table’s Healthy Eating program operates dozens of free pop-up grocery markets across the city, and its Healthy Start and Healthy Connections programs offer premier early childhood education and older youth programming. In addition, the organization runs emergency support programs, including McKenna’s Wagon, a daily mobile food truck that serves hundreds of meals to homeless and hungry residents every night; a daily emergency mini market, open 7 days a week; and two Martha’s Outfitters stores, which offer a no-cost shopping program for neighbors in need. For more information, please visit www.MarthasTable.org.